Filmy Quotes

Kal Ho Naa Ho
It's The Time To Disco

Kal Ho Naa Ho
Hindi Lyrics English Translation
We're just dancingWe're just dancing
Hey honey we're just dancingHey honey we're just dancing
We're dancing the night awayWe're dancing the night away

Dil hai mera deewana kya Has my heart gone crazy
Kehta hai ab ghabrana kyaIt says that don't worry now
Taal pe jab jhoome badanWhen the body moves to the beat
Hichkichana sharmana kyaWhy to hesitate and feel shy
Khul ke jhoomonDance freely
Khul ke gaaoSing freely
Aao aao yeh khul ke kahoCome and say this freely
It's the time to discoIt's the time to disco
It's the time to discoIt's the time to disco
Kaun mile dekho kiskoLook who meets whom
It's the time to discoIt's the time to disco
Dil hai mera deewana kya Has my heart gone crazy
Kehta hai ab ghabrana kyaIt says that don't worry now
Taal pe jab jhoome badanWhen the body moves to the beat
Hichkichana sharmana kyaWhy to hesitate and feel shy
Khul ke jhoomonDance freely
Khul ke gaaoSing freely
Aao aao yeh khul ke kahoCome and say this freely
It's the time to discoIt's the time to disco
It's the time to discoIt's the time to disco
Kaun mile dekho kiskoLook who meets whom
It's the time to discoIt's the time to disco

Balkhata hai badanThe body moves
Aaisi joh taal haiIf the beats are like this
Saanson mein chalti hai aandhiyanThe breath is going through a storm
Behkata hai yeh maanThis heart is wandering
Ab toh yeh haal haiNow this is the condition
Masti mein khoye hai hum yahanWe are all lost in fun here
Tum bhi khoke mast hokeYou also open up and enjoy
Koi toke toh khul ke kahoIf someone bothers you then say freely
It's the time to discoIt's the time to disco
It's the time to discoIt's the time to disco
Kehdo milo jis jiskoTell this to everyone you meet
It's the time to discoIt's the time to disco

We're just dancingWe're just dancing
Hey honey we're just dancingHey honey we're just dancing
We're dancing the night awayWe're dancing the night away
Dancing the night awayDancing the night away
We're just dancingWe're just dancing
Hey honey we're just dancingHey honey we're just dancing
We're dancing the night awayWe're dancing the night away
Woh ho woh ho ...Woh ho woh ho ...

Josh mein naachtiDancing with energy
Rangeen shaam haiThis colourful evening
Bin peeye jhoomta hai saamanWithout drinking the moment is swaying
Hosh ka ab yahanNow senses here
Bolo kya kaam haiTell me what is their need
Tezz hai dhadkane dil jawaanThe young heart is beating fast
Yun hi rehna hai theek hai naStay like this alright
Aur hai kehna toh khul ke kahoAnd if you want to say then say freely
It's the time to discoIt's the time to disco
It's the time to discoIt's the time to disco
Samjho zara tum iskoTry to understand this
It's the time to discoIt's the time to disco

Woh ho woh ho ...Woh ho woh ho ...

Dil hai mera deewana kya Has my heart gone crazy
Kehta hai ab ghabrana kyaIt says that don't worry now
Taal pe jab jhoome badanWhen the body moves to the beat
Hichkichana sharmana kyaWhy to hesitate and feel shy
Khul ke jhoomonDance freely
Khul ke gaaoSing freely
Aao aao yeh khul ke kahoCome and say this freely
It's the time to discoIt's the time to disco
It's the time to discoIt's the time to disco
Kaun mile dekho kiskoLook who meets whom
It's the time to discoIt's the time to disco

It's the time to discoIt's the time to disco
It's the time to discoIt's the time to disco
It's the time to discoIt's the time to disco
Kaun mile dekho kiskoLook who meets whom
It's the time to discoIt's the time to disco
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