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Jamal Kudu


Lyrics Translation
Ahay siyah ey zangi delamo nakon khunO dark skinned beauty, don't make my heart bleed
Vay to rafti koja manam cho majnoonWhere did you go, I've gone crazy for you
Ahay siyah ey zangi delamo nakon khunO dark skinned beauty, don't make my heart bleed
Vay to rafti koja manam cho majnoonWhere did you go, I've gone crazy for you

Jamal jamalek jamaloo jamal kuduO beloved, you're the most beautiful one
Jamal jamalek jamaloo jamal kuduO beloved, you're the most beautiful one

Del to mahbase sine hey aaroom nemishineMy heart can't stop pounding in my chest
Hel yosa halel yosa asraar nemiporsaWhy don't you care to ask for my secrets
Ay marmar sine belazoon belazoon belaYou're the most precious to my heart
Ay gher to kamarta becharkhun becharkhun bechaMove your body and keep dancing
Ay marmar sine belazoon belazoon belaYou're the most precious to my heart
Ay gher to kamarta becharkhun becharkhun bechaMove your body and keep dancing

Jamal jamalek jamaloo jamal kuduO beloved, you're the most beautiful one
Jamal jamalek jamaloo jamal kuduO beloved, you're the most beautiful one

Ahay siyah ey zangi delamo nakon khunO dark skinned beauty, don't make my heart bleed
Vay to rafti koja manam cho majnoonWhere did you go, I've gone crazy for you
Ahay siyah ey zangi delamo nakon khunO dark skinned beauty, don't make my heart bleed
Vay to rafti koja manam cho majnoonWhere did you go, I've gone crazy for you

Jamal jamalek jamaloo jamal kuduO beloved, you're the most beautiful one
Jamal jamalek jamaloo jamal kuduO beloved, you're the most beautiful one
Jamal jamalek jamaloo jamal kuduO beloved, you're the most beautiful one
Jamal jamalek jamaloo jamal kuduO beloved, you're the most beautiful one
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